Saturday, March 16, 2013

Why the Gay Games?

Do we want the Games Gay?

“There is nothing extraordinary about exercise for gays and lesbians, so why unmarried them out with a Games Gay?”

Click to scan the views of the Federation on this occasionally controversially interview –

As equality and the motion for universal right go on their storm we are reaching a show in society where some know that groups such as gays do not necessity a divide game of their own, as to do so is to self discriminate or to segregate oneself from society at big, creating an elitist affair. The linked piece deals with some of these ends and some of the quizs that are frequently raised not only in wider society but from within the gay society as fully. London As bids to multitude the Games Gay in 2018 this cross-e xamine can nearly certainly win profile and Out for Sport wants to insure, as London’s representative skeleton within the Federation of Games Gay, that we perform an in ope ration place in this conflict.

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